So I went in for my first ultra sound and 1st trimester check last month and baby got a clean bill of health! It was soooo amazing, I could see the baby moving and even waving. Then the baby stretched out really long, with daddy's long legs. I cannot wait!!
If you look closely, you can see the jaw bone where the teeth are/will eventually come in. The baby is sucking on his/her thumb already! And you can see all the fingers, the nose and even the eye!
In this picture, you can see the whole baby and if you closely, the legs are stretched up at the bottom! I even got to hear the heart beat, that was really cool! Pretty incredible when you consider the baby is only about 10 cm (about 4 inches) long!
P.S. My next appointment is on March 27th, but there won't be any pictures, the doctor is only checking the heart beat!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How exciting (yet scary too). The pictures are amazing. Enjoy the experience because it's over way too fast. Thank you for the updates. We are happy for you two.
WOW! That's one of the clearest Ultra sounds i've seen at so early in the stage. She/he's gonna have beautiful pronounce features!! What a great picture! Can't wait till the next pic, she/he'll be probably be crawling!
WOW! Grammy is not a good blogger! This is my third posting. However, she is sooo excited for the delivery and can't wait for its entrance into the world. When it does make its entry, it will be the best dressed baby in Europe!
Congratulations, Heather. Yea! Another Europe-Semester baby! The numbers are growing! Have FUN being a MOMMY! ~ Bethany
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